Google Classroom


Google Classroom is a blended learning platform that aims to simplify creating and distributing assignments in an entirely electronic format. It was introduced as a feature of Google Apps for Education following its public release on August 12, 2014.

Google Classroom is a tool in Google Apps that enables instructors to create and organize assignments quickly, provide feedback, and easily communicate with their classes and trainees.

With Classroom, instructors are able to:

  • Create and collect assignments: Classroom weaves together Google Docs, Drive and Gmail to help instructors create and collect assignments electronically. They can quickly see if an individual has or hasn’t completed the work, and provide direct, real-time feedback to individual trainees.
  • Improve class communications: Instructors can make announcements, ask questions and comment with trainees in “real time” improving communication inside and outside of class.
  • Stay organized: Classroom automatically creates Google Drive folders for each assignment and for each trainee. Trainees can easily see what’s due on their Assignments page.
  • Google Classroom ties many of Google’s products together to help educational institutions transition to a paperless training system.

Greatest benefit of Google Classroom? It’s free for all educational institutions.

Google Classroom Training Notification

Environmental Health & Safety Training ( will send an e-mail invitation to your UNCA e-mail account. Open the e-mail, you should see the name of the class you have been invited to, then click on the “Join” button.

Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) Required Training

All University of North Carolina – Asheville employees must complete OSHA training initially upon hire, then annually thereafter. This training will be assigned each month through Google Classroom and should be completed on the last day of the month the training was assigned. If the training invitation was sent to you on January 1st, then all assignments must be “marked as done” by January 31st and so on for each subsequent month.

Environmental Health & Safety Training

  • Each class is independent of the other.
  • The training can be started and stopped at any time once you “join”, there are no time limits to complete the training, except for monthly end date.
  • Do not delete your Google Classroom e-mail invitation until you have completed all of your assignments for that specific class. Otherwise you will have to contact EHS at (828) 251-6038 to have your invitation resent.

Google Classroom Instructions For Trainees

Managing Your Classes

Managing Your Assignments

Connecting with Other Trainees in Your Class