Academic Off-Campus Activities Safety Program

UNC Asheville values the benefits of Off-Campus Activities and travel that allow members of the University Community to broaden their experiences, expand and share their knowledge, and encourage innovation and collaboration in support of the University’s mission. The University has a variety of unique programs and collaborations and affiliations for faculty, staff, and students that enhance the research and teaching aspects of the University’s mandate. Not only do these activities benefit the members of the University Community by creating a vibrant learning and research environment, they also allow members of the University Community to bring their knowledge and expertise to others and help the University build a strong national and international reputation.

Off-Campus Activities and travel by their nature introduce some level of Risk. The University is committed to supporting its off-campus activity participants in planning and participating in safe, educational off campus experiences.

Academic Off-Campus Activities include Conferences, Class Trips, Field Based Courses, and Field Research.

The Principle Investigator/Activity Coordinator is responsible for developing a safety program to accompany Field Based Courses and Field Research. Safety Programs are to be submitted in Chrome River as part of the Program’s travel request. Department Chairs and associated Deans are responsible for approving travel requests based on the accompanying Safety Program.

UNCA Academic Off-Campus Risk Assessment Procedure 

Academic Off-Campus Activity Requirements for

Conferences and Non-Field Based Class Trips

When submitting a travel request to attend a conference or Class Trip, include the following information in Chrome River:

  • Purpose of the Trip
  • Contact information of the Principal Investigator(s)/Activity Coordinator(s).
  • Travel Itinerary including destination, timeline, accommodations if applicable and modes of transportation.
  • A Participant Form, and
  • A University contact. The University contact is the person who will be contacted in the event of unanticipated changes to your submitted itinerary.

Departmental records will include:

All Principal Investigators/Activity Coordinators need to develop Emergency Procedures for their Off-Campus Activities.. Emergency Procedures include:

  • Provide applicable phone numbers to all participants traveling in the group.
  • Know the contact # for emergencies at your destination (i.e., 911).
  • Know the location of local medical facilities.
  • Report cases of serious injury, illness, or fatality to University Police to initiate notification protocols. (828-232-5000)
  • Report all Incidents to EH&S.


Academic Off-Campus Activities Safety Program Requirements for

Field Based Courses and Field Research

When submitting a travel request for Field Based Courses and Field Research, include the following information in Chrome River:

  • Purpose of the Trip
  • Contact information of the Principal Investigator(s)/Activity Coordinator(s).
  • Travel Itinerary including destination, timeline, accommodations if applicable and modes of transportation.
  • A Participant Form,
  • A University contact. The University contact is the person who will be contacted in the event of unanticipated changes to your submitted itinerary.
  • A Safety Plan

A Safety Plan is to include:

  • Purpose of travel
  • Travel itinerary including destination(s), timeline(s), overnight accommodations if applicable and modes of transportation.
  • A Risk Assessment to include Travel, Weather, Physical, and Activity Based hazards.
  • Travel Immunization/Prophylaxis Requirements
  • Leadership training qualifications.
  • Participant training outline.
  • Pre-Trip Briefing and On-Site Briefing of Participants
  • Emergency Procedures to include how you will communicate, location of local medical facilities, etc.
  • A University contact. The University contact is the person who will be contacted in the event of unanticipated changes to your submitted itinerary.
  • Report cases of serious injury, illness, or fatality to University Police to initiate notification protocols. (828-232-5000)
  • Report all Incidents to EH&S.

All Field Based Courses and Field Research Safety Plans are to be approved by EH&S prior to submittal in Chrome River. Off-Campus Field Based Courses and Field Research not requiring a travel request in Chrome River are still required to develop a Safety Plan.

Example Safety Plan for Off-Campus Field Based Courses and Field Research

Departmental records will include:


Participant Form

Risk Assessment Form (Use of Form Optional)

Medical Authorization Form (Recommended)

Informed Consent & Acknowledgement of Risk Forms (Choose One)

Student Waiver, Release, and Authorization Template

Group Waiver, Release, and Authorization Template

Student Waiver Template

Group Waiver Template

Additional Resources for Field Based Courses and Field Research

UNCA Field Operations Safety Manual 

Study Abroad

UNC Asheville Study Abroad