Fire Prevention

The purpose of the fire prevention program or plan is to prevent a fire from occurring in a workplace. The program or plan describes the fuel sources (hazardous or other materials) at the University that could initiate or contribute both to the spread of a fire, as well as the building systems, such as fire extinguishing systems and alarm systems, in place to control the ignition or spread of a fire.

A fire prevention program or plan must be in writing, be kept in the workplace, and be made available to employees for review [29 CFR 1910.39].

The University’s fire prevention program includes:

  • A list of all major fire hazards, proper handling and storage procedures for hazardous materials, potential ignition sources and their control, and the type of fire protection equipment necessary to control each major hazard. [29 CFR 1910.39(c)(1)]
  • Procedures to control accumulations of flammable and combustible waste materials. [29 CFR 1910.39(c)(2)]
  • Procedures for regular maintenance of safeguards installed on heat-producing equipment to prevent the accidental ignition of combustible materials. [29 CFR 1910.39(c)(3)]
  • The department name or job title of employees responsible for maintaining equipment to prevent or control sources of ignition or fires. [29 CFR 1910.39(c)(4)]
  • The department name or job title of employees responsible for the control of fuel source hazards. [29 CFR 1910.39(c)(5)]

Each Department must inform their employees upon initial assignment to a job of the fire hazards to which they are exposed. Each Department must also review with each employee those parts of the fire prevention plan necessary for self-protection. [29 CFR 1910.39(d)]

Fill out the Fire Extinguisher Hands-on Demonstration Training Form.

Portable Fire Extinguishers

Know Your Limits

In the hands of a properly trained person, a fire extinguisher can save lives and protect property. Extinguishers are designed to extinguish or contain small fires. However, even against small fires, they have limits.

The extinguisher must be:

  • The proper class for the fire. Most are ABC Class, but always check the label.
  • Of adequate size and capacity to fight a small fire or use to escape to an area of safety. Most extinguishers discharge within 30 seconds.
  • Operable and within reach. Most are located at the entrance and exit doors of buildings.

The operator must know how and when to use the fire extinguisher. Training is required on an annual basis.

Classes of Fire

The extinguisher you use must be matched to the type of material that is burning. Most are ABC Class, but not all.

Materials fall into three basic classes:

  • Type A: Ordinary combustibles such as wood, cloth, paper, rubber, and many plastics.
  • Type B: Flammable liquids such as gasoline, oil, grease, tar, oil-based paint, lacquer, and flammable gas.
  • Type C: Energized electrical equipment including wiring, fuse boxes, circuit breakers, machinery, and appliances.
  • Type K: Kitchen fires.

You must match the correct class of extinguisher with the type of material burning. Using the wrong extinguisher is dangerous and can make the fire worse. Know the type of extinguisher nearest your room or work location.

Fight or Flight?

Before you use an extinguisher:

  • Make sure the fire alarm has been activated.
  • Know how to properly use the extinguisher. All extinguishers have labels with operational instructions.
  • Be sure someone has called 9-1-1.
  • Be sure to use the proper type of extinguisher.
  • Keep your back to a safe exit.
  • Remember: safety first!
  • If in doubt, close the door and leave!

P.A.S.S. the Test

  • Pull the pin.
  • Aim low, point the extinguisher nozzle (or its horn or hose) at the base of the fire.
  • Squeeze the handle, this releases the extinguishing agent.
  • Sweep from side to side, keep the extinguisher aimed at the base of the fire and sweep back and forth until it appears to be out. Watch the fire area. If fire breaks out again, repeat the process with a new, fully charged fire extinguisher.

In Case Of Fire

If a fire occurs, your actions can make the difference between a minor fire and a disaster.

  • Close the door to the fire area.
  • Activate the fire alarm system.
  • Call 828-251-6710 or extension 6710 and report the fire.
  • Evacuate from the building. DO NOT USE THE ELEVATOR.
  • Stay low in smoke (crawl).
  • Use the extinguisher only if your are trained to do so.

Familiarize yourself with the locations of nearby extinguishers and make sure they are unobstructed. Report discharged, damaged, or missing extinguishers to Environmental Health and Safety at (828) 251-3068 or complete a Campus Operations “Report a problem” form. EHS staff also conducts hands-on fire extinguisher training, to schedule, contact (828) 251-6038.

Building Emergencies

Building Evacuation – FIRE

The University requires that all persons evacuate a building immediately when the fire alarm sounds. No person, who is physically capable of self-evacuation, shall remain inside any building during an alarm other than emergency response personnel. No person shall enter a building in which the fire alarm is sounding, with the exception of specifically requested personnel by emergency responders.

Fire Response Procedure

Before an emergency occurs,

  • Always keep doorways, hallways, and stairways clear at all times.
  • Do not block or obstruct fire protection equipment.
  • Familiarize yourself with the evacuation plan for your building. Know the pathway to at least two exits from where you live or work in your building.
  • Know your building coordinator (or resident assistant if in a resident hall), including any alternate personnel, who will be responsible for sounding alarms and helping to evacuate occupants.
  • Always follow the instructions given by emergency responders.
  • Participate in emergency evacuation drills as required.

If you discover a fire,

  • Pull the nearest fire alarm pull station on your way out of the building.
  • Evacuate the building immediately. Walk, do not run.
  • Leave the building via the nearest exit. Do not waste critical time in leaving.
  • Check the doors for heat before opening. If the door is hot, do not open the door and stay in the room. If it is cool, open it slightly, and see if heat or heavy smoke are present, then crawl on your hands and knees to avoid the smoke.
  • If the nearest exit is blocked by fire, heat, or smoke, try another exit. You may have to step into a room to escape fire, heat, or even smoke on your way out of the building (see “If trapped…” below).
  • Do not use elevators to exit the building. Use the stairs.
  • If possible, render assistance to others, only if you are able, and it is safe for you to do so.
  • Call University Police at 828-232-5000 or 911 to report the fire once safely outside.
  • Gather outside at the designated assembly area for your building.
  • Remain outside the building until an emergency response official gives the all-clear or permission to re-enter.
  • If you have a disability or are injured and unable to self-evacuate, remain in your room or proceed to your assigned “area of refuge” to wait for assistance while calling University Police at 828-232-5000 or 911 to notify them of your location.

In the event of a fire,

  • Evacuate the building immediately. Walk, do not run.
  • Do not stop to investigate if the alarm is real or false. Evacuate!
  • Leave the building via the nearest exit. Do not waste critical time in leaving.
  • Check the doors for heat before opening. If the door is hot, do not open the door and stay in the room. If it is cool, open it slightly, and see if heat or heavy smoke are present, then crawl on your hands and knees to avoid the smoke.
  • Do not use elevators to exit the building. Use the stairs.
  • If possible, render assistance to others, only if you are able, and it is safe for you to do so.
  • Gather outside at the designated assembly area for your building.
  • Remain outside the building until an emergency response official gives the all-clear or permission to re-enter.
  • If you have a disability or are injured and unable to self-evacuate, remain in your room or proceed to your assigned “area of refuge” to wait for assistance while calling University Police at 828-232-5000 or 911 to notify them of your location.
  • All visitors must be escorted while on campus. If you are a visitor, your escort will assist you in evacuating the building.

If trapped in a room during a fire,

  • Stay calm and take steps to protect yourself.
  • If possible, go to a room with an outside window.
  • Close as many doors between you and the fire and keep the doors closed.
  • Seal cracks around the door with clothing or towels to prevent smoke from entering.
  • Signal for help by hanging a brightly colored item (jacket/shirt/blanket) at the window to attract the attention of emergency personnel or others.
  • Use a telephone or mobile phone to call University Police at 828-232-5000 or 911, give them your room number or location, building name, and tell them you are trapped and need to be rescued. If you have a flashlight, use it to signal your location at night.
  • If caught in fire or smoke, 1) Drop to your hands and knees and crawl on the floor, watching the base of the wall as you crawl. 2) Avoid sliding on your belly, because heavier toxic gasses can settle and form a thin layer on the floor. 3) Hold your breath as much as possible or breathe shallowly through your nose using an article of clothing as a filter.

If you are on fire:

  • Stop, drop, and roll to smother the flames.

Fire Drill Procedure

A. Alarm Activation

  1. During a fire alarm activation, whether it’s a drill or an emergency activation, all occupants within the building must exit immediately.
  2. During the evacuation, occupants of the building should follow their established emergency evacuation plan and procedures.
  3. Once outside of the building, no one will be allowed to re-enter until the building has been fully evacuated and the “ALL CLEAR” is given.

B. Fire Exiting

Below are general guidelines to be mindful of during the fire drill. These guidelines are in the building’s emergency evacuation plan and procedures.

  1. The fire exit plan includes everybody in the department. This means all residents, visitors, guests, employees, and contractors. There are no excuses for not participating. Everyone must leave the building during a drill.
  2. Remain calm and exit in an orderly manner. Walk, do not run!
  3. Follow your established method to account for those known to be in the department at the time the alarm is sounded. In case of actual fire conditions, information regarding persons believed to be in the building should be made available to emergency responders. Do not return inside. Only trained emergency response personnel can re-enter an evacuated building.
  4. Once outside, go to your designated meeting place for accountability and wait until the “ALL CLEAR” is given before returning to the building.

C. Fire Drill Planning

  1. Environmental Health & Safety or their designee will be responsible for ensuring fire drills are conducted for all buildings as required.
  2. Environmental Health & Safety or their designee will coordinate with Campus Operations, Office of the Provost, and University Police for scheduled fire drills.
  3. Environmental Health & Safety or their designee will publish the fire drill schedule in advance of which will not indicate the exact date or time of the required fire drill.
  4. Fire drills will be scheduled on different days and times of days to simulate different conditions.
  5. Scenario based drills may be conducted to simulate different fire conditions and areas within the building.

D. Fire Drill Initiation

  1. The fire alarm system can only be initiated by a qualified person from Campus Operations.
  2. University Police will be notified by Environmental Health & Safety at the time of initiation of the fire alarm system as well as be notified at the conclusion of the drill.

Required Fire Drills

The 2018 North Carolina State Fire Code requires the University to conduct “required” fire drills annually in its academic buildings, administration buildings and resident halls. Drill exercises are performed to train building occupants and to evaluate their efficiency and effectiveness in carrying out emergency evacuation procedures.

Drill Frequency

Under the provisions of the 2018 North Carolina Fire Code, Chapter 4 – Emergency Planning & Preparedness, Section 405 Emergency Evacuation Drills, the frequency is as follows:

Occupancy GroupDrill FrequencyParticipants
B – Business (Colleges/Universities)Semi – annualAll Occupants
R-2 – ResidentialQuarterlyAll Occupants

Management and supervision of all the University divisions and departments will ensure that individuals under their oversight will comply with the drill exercises as required or risk disciplinary action. Environmental Health & Safety and the building coordinators with assistance from Campus Operations and University Police will manage the drill exercise operations. Records of the drill exercises will be maintained by Environmental Health & Safety for (3) years from the date of the drill event.

Required Drill Schedule

Every academic building, administration building, and resident hall shall conduct required (or scheduled) fire drills at least once per quarter under the provisions of the North Carolina Fire Prevention Code for Group B and Group R-2 occupancies. The following is the schedule for required fire drills annually:

March 10th WeekAll BuildingsMonday – Friday9:00 AM – 2:00 PM
June 10th WeekAll BuildingsMonday – Friday9:00 AM – 2:00 PM
September 10th WeekAll BuildingsMonday – Friday9:00 AM – 2:00 PM
December 10th WeekAll BuildingsMonday – Friday9:00 AM – 2:00 PM

Based on a Sunday-to-Saturday work week, if the 10th of the month falls on a Sunday, the drill exercise will start the next day, Monday at 8:00 am. If the 10th of the month falls on a Saturday (at the end of the week), the drill exercise will start on the Monday prior to the 10th day at 8:00 am. Fire drills will occur Monday – Friday until all buildings have been completed. Should the schedule (above) coincide with a major University event (commencement, exam week, etc.) the fire drill exercise week within that month will be moved, either one week before or one week after the event. Please access the University’s Main Events calendar via OnePort for more information.

Also, additional information about fire emergencies can be found on the Emergency Management website.

Hot Work


To provide written procedures to prevent the outbreak of fire, fire alarm activations, and smoke and odor migration in buildings resulting from any temporary operation involving the use of open flames or which produces heat and / or sparks. This includes, but is not limited to: brazing, cutting, grinding, torch soldering, thawing pipes, torch applied roofing and welding.


This procedure applies to work performed by any University employee and contractors performing work in existing buildings, new construction in existing buildings or new construction attached to existing buildings.

This procedure does not apply to existing buildings or to areas that are specifically designed and equipped for such operations, i.e. maintenance shop areas and designated welding areas.


Hot Work – Any operation producing flame, sparks or heat including cutting, welding, brazing, grinding, sawing, torch soldering, thawing frozen pipes, applying roof covering etc.

Permit – A special permit, which authorizes “Hot Work” activities at a specific location and time. The permit (available on the EHS Forms page) must be properly filled out, displayed on site and returned to the supervisor when the hot work is complete. Permits contain a checklist to be completed prior to commencing hot work activities and also at the conclusion of the hot work.

Fire Watch – A trained individual stationed in the hot work area who monitors the work area for the beginnings of potential, unwanted fires both during and after hot work. Individuals must be trained and familiar with the operation of portable fire extinguishers and methods to activate building fire alarm systems.



It is the responsibility of management to insure that this procedure is implemented in those areas under their jurisdiction where applicable.


  • Identify employees/contractors who may perform hot work
  • Provide training to employees/contractors who perform hot work, if applicable
  • Provide Hot Work Permits (Blank permits are available from Trades or EHS)
  • Notify Pubic Safety Dispatch before hot work begins
  • Complete and collect Hot Work Permits from the employees/contractors
  • Drop off completed permits, after hot work is finished, to Public Safety (for 2-hour fire safety checks by University Police)
  • Ensure compliance with procedures by employees and contractors


  • Follow all Hot Work protocols on the permit
  • Complete your section of the Hot Work Permit
  • Complete EHS training, where applicable

Environmental Health and Safety

  • Develop written hot work procedure and revise the procedure as necessary
  • Provide hot work training program for supervisors and employees as needed
  • Periodically audit operations, documentation and training
  • Maintain hot work permits and employee training records


1. Hot work should not be performed if the work can be avoided or performed in a safer manner. When practical, objects to be welded, cut or heated should be moved to a designated safe location (e.g. maintenance shops) if possible.

2.  If hot work must be performed, a Hot Work Permit must be completed.

3. All precautions on the Hot Work Permit must be met prior to any work commencing. The supervisor or the employee performing the hot work will complete the permit.

4. The Hot Work Permit is only good for 24 hours of the date specified on the permit.

5. A Hot Work Permit must be displayed at the work site during all hot work activities.

6. All building occupants must be suitably protected against hazards generated by the work (e.g. heat, sparks, fumes, welding rays, etc).

7. Before hot work begins:

  • An appropriate fire extinguisher must be available and operable.
  • Flammable and ignitable materials and debris must be moved at least 35 feet from the hot work area or covered and protected from the hot work by fire resistant material.
  • Explosives, compressed gas cylinders or stored fuel must be moved at least 50 feet from the hot work area or covered and protected from the hot work by fire resistant material.
  • Smoke and fire detectors in the immediate area of the hot work must be temporarily disabled until the hot work is completed.
  • Adequate ventilation is being used (especially when cutting or welding materials with painted or metal coated surfaces).
  • Building occupants have been protected or isolated from the hot work area.
  • Cracks or holes in floors, walls, and ceilings (including ductwork) are properly covered or plugged.
  • Hot work equipment is operable and in good repair.
  • Drums, barrels and tanks have been cleaned and purged of flammables and toxics, all tank feeds are closed, and the tank vented.
  • A fire watch is implemented if conditions warrant (e.g., fire hazards or combustible exposures are present).
  • Workers and Fire Watch personnel are trained in the use of fire extinguishing equipment and how to sound a fire alarm.

8. When hot work is complete:

  • The work area and any potentially affected surrounding areas are inspected for fire, fire damage or the potential for fire for a minimum of 30 minutes following completion of the hot work.
  • Smoke / fire alarms that were disabled because of hot work are reactivated.
  • Hot work permit is closed out.
  • The completed permit must be returned to the supervisor (or project manager) who then submits the completed permit to Public Safety Dispatch.
  • Public Safety Dispatch notifies University Police to conduct a 2-hour fire safety check.
  • University Police complete their section of the permit then returns the permit to Environmental Health and Safety for recordkeeping.


  • FM Global – Factory Mutual Insurance Company “Hot Work Guidelines”
  • National Fire Protection Association Standard 51B “Standard for Fire Prevention During Welding, Cutting and Other Hot Work”
  • International Fire Code 2016 Edition Chapter 26 “Welding and Other Hot Work”
  • OSHA Regulations 29 CFR 1926.352 “Welding and Cutting”

Open Flames on University Property

Recreational Fires and Bonfires Guidelines

These guidelines must be followed when an individual, group or department plans to use an open flame on any University property.


Bonfire – Is a fire that is not enclosed in a commercially manufactured outdoor fire pit appliance and is in contact with the ground. A bonfire is limited to special events or other University sanctioned events.

Open Flame – Any candles, torches, burners or other device/equipment which, when used, produces a visible flame capable of igniting ordinary combustible material.

Recreational Fire – Is a fire completely enclosed in a commercially manufactured outdoor portable fire pit appliance and is not in contact with the ground.

Recreational Fires

1. Environmental Health & Safety must be notified at least 72 hours in advance via the on-line submittal of a Fire Permit Application. **Please review Buncombe County open burning information and status HERE prior to submitting a permit.**

2. Faculty, staff, students, and student groups must use the on-line Fire Permit Application form for all pit appliance fires.

3. The fuel for the fire should be clean and untreated wood. The fire shall not be ignited with flammable liquids.

4.  A commercially manufactured outdoor portable fire pit appliance must be used.

5. The fire pit appliance should have a screen which controls the emission of ash and embers (e.g., wood stack should not prevent the screen top from closing onto the appliance).

6. The fire pit appliance should be at least 50 feet from any combustible materials.

7. The fire shall be constantly attended.

8. The fire shall be extinguished when it cannot be attended or ends early. The fire shall be extinguished with 1) a 5-gallon bucket of water, 2) a spigot-connected hose, 3) commercially available sand, or 4) a water-based fire extinguisher. If using fire extinguishing equipment, training is required (before the event) and/or past training must be within 12 months of the training date completed.  After the event, please return the extinguishing equipment to University Police Dispatch at Weizenblatt Hall.

9. Smoldering embers shall not be disposed of in a trash receptacle or dumpster.

10. The fire shall not constitute a nuisance (excessive smoke, odors).

11. All instructions from the manufacturer of the fire pit appliance shall be followed including the use of screen covers to prevent contact with flames if so equipped.

12. The fire must be completely extinguished after the event has concluded (e.g., no embers or smoldering ashes). Failure to do so will result in loss of privileges.

13. No open burning shall occur if, in the discretion of University Police or Emergency Management, said burning presents a danger to the public, health and safety of University staff or students, or damage to property. NOTE: If Buncombe County issues a “No Burn Alert”, the fire permit will be cancelled.

Approved Locations

The following areas have already been approved by Emergency Management for commercially manufactured outdoor portable fire pit appliances. Please be aware that emergency egress in and around buildings must remain clear at all times in case of emergencies.

  • Governors Hall – Courtyard area
  • Highsmith Student Union – Lower level between building and stairs leading up to University Heights Road
  • Justice Center Gym – Front grassy area
  • Main Quad – Emergency Management must be contacted directly
  • Mills Hall – Front area between building and stairs leading up to University Heights Road
  • Mills Hall – Permanent grill station (rear of building next to volleyball court area)
  • Ponder Hall – Courtyard area
  • Reed Plaza
  • Student Recreation Center – Bull Dog Byway
  • The Woods – Beech Hall and Magnolia Hall courtyard area

Locations other than those listed above must be approved by Emergency Management (828) 251-6038 before the fire permit application is submitted.

Bonfires at Mullen Park

1.   Environmental Health & Safety must be notified at least 72 hours in advance via the on-line submittal of a Fire Permit Application.

2.   Faculty, staff, students, and student groups must use the on-line Fire Permit Application form for all bonfires.

3.   A bonfire shall not be allowed to continue past midnight unless special arrangements have been made with University Police or Emergency Management.

4.   The location for any open burning shall be at least 50 feet from any structure. The permanent rock fire pit at Mullen Park shall be used and the fire itself reasonably positioned within the pit to prevent accidental contact with flames.

5.   A bonfire must not be more than 5 feet wide by 5 feet long by 10 feet in height.

6.   Suitable provisions, such as wetting the ground, clearing the area, removing debris/materials, etc. must be completed to prevent the fire from spreading.

7.   Bonfires may not be utilized to dispose of any waste material.

8.   All bonfires must constantly be attended by a fire watch until the fire is extinguished.

9.   A water-based fire extinguisher must be used by a trained person to extinguish the fire (e.g., the fire is in contact with the ground). Fire extinguisher equipment training is required and/or past training must be within 12 months of the training date. The water-based extinguisher can be obtained from Public Safety any time prior to the burn event (open 24/7). After the event, please return the equipment to University Police Dispatch at Weizenblatt Hall.

10. Fuel for the bonfire may consist only of dry firewood.  The fire will not be ignited with flammable liquids.

11. The fire must be completely extinguished after the event has concluded (e.g., no embers or smoldering ashes). Failure to do so will result in loss of privileges.

12. The coordinator of the event (Fire Permit applicant) will ensure the Fire Permit Application is completed. Submitted permits are sent electronically to Emergency Management and they will notify University Police to conduct a 2-hour safety check of the area after the event ends. University Police are UNCA’s first responders and will notify the Asheville Fire Department if/when a fire emergency occurs.

13. The Asheville Fire Department will be requested to put the fire out if/when the bonfire poses a threat to life and property.

Cooking & Grilling

1.   Environmental Health & Safety must be notified at least 72 hours in advance via the on-line submittal of a Fire Permit Application.

2.   Faculty, staff, students, and student groups must use the on-line Fire Permit Application form for all cooking or grilling methods using open flames.

8.   All open flames must constantly be attended by a fire watch until the fire is extinguished.

9.   An ABC dry chemical fire extinguisher must be used by a trained person to extinguish the fire. Fire extinguisher equipment training is required and/or past training must be within 12 months of the training date. The fire extinguisher can be obtained from Environmental Health & Safety any time prior to the burn event. After the event, please return the equipment to University Police Dispatch at Weizenblatt Hall.

10. Only the proper fuel designed for the equipment may be used.

11. The fire must be completely extinguished after the event has concluded.

12. The coordinator of the event (Fire Permit applicant) will ensure the Fire Permit Application is completed. Submitted permits are sent electronically to Emergency Management and they will notify University Police to conduct a 2-hour safety check of the area after the event ends. University Police are UNCA’s first responders and will notify the Asheville Fire Department if/when a fire emergency occurs.

Tailgating Events

1. Please visit the Office of University Events website regarding events and policies.

2. No open flames are allowed in or on a parking deck. This means lots P-4, P-9, P-12, or the Brown Hall underground parking lot.

Portable Generators

The University encourages the use of permanently available electrical system supply connections for events. Portable generators should only be used if a permanent electrical supply is not available or feasible for the event’s activities. The University allows portable generator equipment of 7.5 kW or less.

1. Portable generator equipment must be in good operating condition, UL listed, and rated for the electrical load the equipment will be supplying (no overloading of circuits). Electrical extension cords, if used, must be free of cuts, breaks, and damage to the cord’s insulation and plugs (3-prong plugs are required) and rated for the electrical load and application.

2. Portable generators must be located at least 15-20 feet from any building or structure (as per IFC 3104.19 and IFC 3103.8.2).

3.  Refueling of flammable liquid-fueled generating equipment shall be done a minimum of 20 feet from any building or structure (IFC 3104.17.3) and after the equipment is cool to the touch.

4. Flammable liquids such as gasoline or diesel, shall be stored outside, in an approved labeled container, a minimum of 50 feet from any building or structure (IFC 3104.17.2). LP-gas containers 50 gallons or less shall be a minimum of 10 feet from any building or structure (IFC 3104.16.2.1). Storage of flammable or combustible liquids must be secured and under the control of the generator operator at all times.

5. Cleanup of any spills related to installation/removal, operation, or refueling of a generator will be the responsibility of the equipment owner (or the vendor providing the equipment). In the event of a generator equipment spill, immediately contact University Police at 828-232-5000 and Environmental Health & Safety at 828-251-6038 or 828-258-7692.

Fire Watch

Fire Watch Procedure

Damaged Batteries

Battery damage may not always be outwardly visible to the naked eye. Batteries can be damaged by a fall of 12 inch or greater; impacts with a speed of 20 mph or more; puncture by a sharp object; expansion due to overheating; or defective battery from the manufacturer. Using a damaged battery may lead to thermal runaway and subsequent fire. Only trained employees can safely handle damaged batteries.


  • If damage occurs and the battery is not hot and/or leaking or smoking, isolate the battery (or equipment) from others.
  • Contact Environmental Health & Safety at 828-258-7692 or 828-251-6038 or Campus Operations at 828-251-6564 for assistance.
  • Keep in mind that there may be no visible damage, but a delayed fire can occur hours or days after the damage.
  • Do not dispose of batteries in the trash.
  • All batteries should be recycled in the approved, labeled recycling bins.
  • Never put damaged, leaking, or bulging batteries in a recycling bin.

Corridor & Equipment Room Storage

Corridor and Equipment Room Storage Procedure

Storage of Flammables

The RED Book

Building Emergency Coordinator (BEC) Program

The Building Emergency Coordinator (BEC) program was established to coordinate the emergency preparedness and planning efforts among all University buildings.

Many University buildings are occupied by multiple departments, making building-wide communications and coordination difficult during normal operations, let alone during an emergency. The BEC program serves to assist building occupants, University Police (first responders), and Emergency Management by developing and maintaining a common building-specific action plan for emergencies that threaten the life safety of our students, faculty, staff and the community at large.

BECs serve as an extension of Emergency Management in the preparedness, response, and recovery phases of an emergency. By serving in this role, they protect the entire University community.

Building Emergency Coordinators Roles and Responsibilities

BECs work with Emergency Management to disseminate pertinent emergency preparedness information and plans throughout their building. In addition, they provide University Police and other emergency responders with a single, knowledgeable point of contact who can assist in contacting the appropriate departmental personnel and officials in case of an emergency.

Electric Space Heaters

Office of State Human Resources (OSHR) Space Heater Policy

NC Department of Insurance – Office of the State Fire Marshal

Office of the State Fire Marshall (OSFM) Fire & Life Safety Checklist